October 16, 2013
Oh my! It's so good to be back here. It's been a looooong time since I last posted. I was so busy this semester, especially this finals. I don't know but yeah, our schedule was so hectic due to packed-shoots we have to do for our major subject. Partida wala na kong written exams sa finals 'cause I'm exempted. Hooray for that. Hahahaha! But still, my schedule was so packed :( this shoot is so overdue. This was taken on my second year, second semester. Talk about that. Hahaha
As part of our course, we need to submit photography portfolios that serve as our exams. I was so excited when my professor said that, on our Finals, we will be the one who will choose what type or theme we want. Guess what first theme that came in my mind that day? FASHION! I immediately went to my group mates and told them what are my plans (of course, I need their approval too, as a group) so when they gladly said yes, LET'S PACK NOW. AS IN NOOOW :D
We came up with four themes: The Graffiti Theme, The Rockin' Style, Glamorous Theme, and of course, the Sweet Ecstasy Theme. The last one is my favorite because as I explained to them, we need to wear something cute, lively, and colorful (that obviously shows my personality). By the way, each theme depicts each members personality :)
Why Coral Pink Bubbly Girl? Because I'm wearing a coral colored skirt, which is my favorite, and because it's my former Tumblr Username. Follow me guys!
July 28, 2013
Have you ever experienced that time when you just don’t know what to wear? As you look at the pile of your clothes at your closet, you just can’t decide what to pick.
Admit it, most of the time you’re having a hard time deciding on what to wear for the day. Searching your closet and finding old pieces that you’ve worn several times already. You’re saying “I have nothing to wear” though there’s a lot of clothes waiting for you to pick them. You wouldn’t want your friend to notice that you keep on repeating clothes, right?—maybe to some people, this is an issue.
One of the factors of the “what to wear” issue is the evolution of fashion style. As the fashion industry keeps on growing, people’s perception on their personal style keeps on evolving too. Through the years, only artists and models inspired consumers to be fashionable. But now, we know that social media sites are growing, there are also “fashion bloggers”—featuring online what they are wearing—that influence many readers. Their interest in fashion paved way for online sellers to venture in a clothing business thinking that it’s their opportunity to earn easily because it’s the people’s common interest today.
To make it easier for you to choose what you want to wear for the day, there are sites that can help you. Polyvore.com is one of the sites that feature clothing brands known worldwide where you can see their products. At polyvore.com, there are many looks and styles that can inspire you. One edge of the site is that you could create your outfit online in less than a minute! Here are some examples of the outfit I’ve created:
Another site that can help you to be inspired by what you’re going to wear is lookbook.nu. People who are interested in fashion are posting their daily looks on this site. For men who are also having this kind of dilemma, here are some pictures to keep you inspired:
This casual style is perfect for dates and even for parties.
It’s very unusual for men to wear printed pants, but this look really pulled it off! This outfit is perfect for school and for cool weather.
July 11, 2013
When I saw these pictures last week, I totally forgot about this outfit. Good thing I was able to browse some old files or else, I wouldn't have the chance to share this to you.
This was my outfit on our second day in Palawan. Oops! Did I say Palawan? Yes I did. This isn't about a trip to New York City (oh how I wished). As you can see, my shirt says "New York City" that's why I put it as the title of this post :)
So about our second day, what we did that time was island hopping, snorkeling, and exploring the city. We also had a lot of food trips as the night goes by. But to tell you honestly, we didn't enjoy (well, almost) our trip there because we didn't get the chance to see the Puerto Princesa's Underground River. Just a little information to share if you don't know about it, the Underground River is one of the new 7 Wonders of the World.
GALS AND GUYS! I need your help. Could you please read this article and comment there? It will be graded by our Professor. It'll be a big help if I get comments. I hope to see you here! :)
By the way, sorry for my tummy :(
Cropped top from Amblvd. | Shorts from Jewel | Shoes from Solemate
July 1, 2013
Sorry I've been a bad blogger. I know, I am. I haven't kept my blog updated because of so many things to accomplish at school. I also had a busy time working on something.
So this shoot was taken 4 months ago.
As you can see, I imbibed the sweet personality style in me and had something daring instead (yes, you've read it right. This is already daring to me! Hahahaha). I tried to pull off something that is the other side of every girl-- comfort zone.
When we go to parties, events, or other occasions, we tend to dress up so glamorous to look fabulous. We wear high heels to look gorgeous and sossy or sometimes, just to add a little height. But do we really enjoy wearing those pointed shoes the whole day? Of course not! Admit it, though you're used to wearing heels, there comes to a point that you would just want to walk barefooted. I admit that I really don't like wearing heels because I'm more on to comfort.
Flats are my go-to footwear, and sneakers comes all the way. With sneakers, I can move freely without worrying that my feet will hurt or be out of balance.
After the shoot, I requested to take a photo of me with silly faces. Hahahaha
Meow! =(^*.*^)=
April 7, 2013
Just a quick post for today! Tehehe! ;)
I wore this last Wednesday to accompany my Mom for some errands. And because it's the first Wednesday of the month, we went to Baclaran Church in Pasay, City. It's our family tradition (actually, my mom's tradition) to attend a Novena Mass at Baclaran every first Wednesday of the month. I'm so banal na. Hahahaha
Yay. My summer escapade will start in a bit. We're off to Palawan later so I might not be able to post this week.
Enjoy your summer guys! :)

Top from Forever21 | Bag from Secosana
February 2, 2013
Last January 26,2013, I attended the debut of my Childhood bestfriend. Hi Queen! :) I was really waiting for that day to come because she will turn into a real lady. By the way, her name is Lady Queen, cute right? And also the fact that I will be dressing up that night. Hahaha. I was expecting that I will be home on or before 8pm because my class in Manila ends at 5:30pm and my travel time is almost 1 and a half hour. Good thing, there's a van waiting to fill in when I came in the terminal. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to spend more time with Kapre (a Filipino horror character; he's a special someone)-- the person who calls me "White Lady" :">
Anyway, about my outfit, you will see this dress on my upcoming post again, so watch for it :) I really planned to be simple yet elegant that night so I opt for a white dress and a sweet pair of shoes. That pair has got to be my favorite.
December 31, 2012
Time out for an outfit post or anything related to fashion, this time I will post about new year.
In a few hours, we will be facing another new year to live with. Yes, we have to celebrate because what others say about the end of the world didn't come true. Here we are, breathing, so let's live our lives to the fullest.
2012 has been quite good for me, though. Yes, QUITE. I was really expecting that 2012 will be my luckiest year, but I was wrong. I thought I will experience all the great things this year--- that my birthday will be on 12-12-12, that my debut will be close to perfect. But guess what? All of those were turned down. I can say that my birthday this year was close to perfect, and that I can thank for but at the end of my special day, my phone was lost. Tanga ko noh? And about my debut, I don't want to say this but I have to, to free my will. My debut was a perfect disaster. Sorry. I know I'm so bad to say that, not to appreciate what my parents had spent for that one night. But I do appreciate what my friends and classmates did for me. Another thing I hate about it is that 2 of my best friends in high school didn't show. Thinking that they were really so close and special to me. You know what? When it comes to other debuts, they find time to come. But when it's my turn to celebrate, they find excuses! How great was that!
Okay, the reason I made this post is to share how I felt about the year 2012. New year will come and I want to leave all of my hatreds this last few hours and never bring it on 2013. But I guess it'll be hard for me to do that. o guys, you know what to do. Don't be like me. Hahahaha
This is the year to make better memories. I wish you a good and Happy New Year! :)
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