December 18, 2022

No One Ever Said Growing Up Would Be Easy

I'll be honest — no matter how much I try to keep a positive mindset, there's not a day that goes by that I haven't thought of at least a single dilemma that would question my own life. I started to wonder: is the experience of growing up so bad that we keep complaining about it almost all the time? 

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In the days leading up to my birthday, every year, I secretly wished that:

  • This is the year I find myself.
  • This is the year I get to experience the things I’ve been waiting for to happen.
  • This is the year I fall in love with myself again and stopped relying on anyone else for happiness.

cielo fernando pink revolve skirt at The Loggia by Margarita Forés

cielo fernando pink revolve skirt at The Loggia by Margarita Forés

Here's the funny thing, when we were young, we thought everything we had at that moment was for keeps. But as we age, we slowly realize that not everything is there to last. 

There will be a lot of disappointments, countless heartaches, and soul-crushing heartbreaks but all that is a part of the adulting experience. And, you may end up feeling betrayed not only by the people and opportunities you held dearly but also by your own emotions to the point that you want to build a wall around you to stop letting everybody in.

It may be difficult to accept but the reality is that as we grow up, priorities change and we become our own person. 

I guess the most valuable lesson I’ve learned so far is that it’s okay that our dreams change. Although some of our childhood expectations are far from reality, there are “unplanned” dreams we never thought we’d ever get to fulfill, and things we unexpectedly discovered among ourselves that we never thought we were capable of. 

no one ever said growing up would be easy | cielo fernando pink revolve skirt

growing up will not be easy | cielo fernando pink revolve skirt

No one ever said growing up would be easy. But hey, it has its fair share of fun, too. Growing up allows us to meet different versions of ourselves. And each time it puts us through both difficult and easy situations, we come out as different persons. So, let's embrace what this adulting throws us. Let's embrace its certainties and precariousness. Because when we do, chances are that we leave no room for regrets. 

Skirt from Revolve



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